Airworthiness Directives (ADs)
The aircraft owner or operator shall comply with Airworthiness Directives issued by the CAA or the aeronautics authority of the State of Design (SoD) of the aviation products, appliances and parts, and take all necessary actions thereto.
Issue Date
- 2024/06/07
- Bombardier Inc. aeroplanes:
Model CL-600-1A11, serial numbers 1001 through 1085,
Model CL-600-2A12, serial numbers 3001 through 3066,
Model CL-600-2B16, serial numbers 5001 through 5194, 5301 through 5665, 5701 through 5988 and 6050 through 6190.
Model Number
- Bombardier Inc. CL-600-1A11,
CL-600-2A12, CL-600-2B16, aeroplanes
CAA AD Number
- CAA-2024-05-012
Aeronautics Authority of Original AD
- Transport Canada Civil Aviation
Original AD Number
- CF-2024-19
Effective Date
- 2024/06/13
- Flight Controls – Pitch-up on Landing When Using Thrust Reversers in Partial Flap Configurations
Reference Publications (Revision/ATA/SB)
- ATA 27. Please refer to table 1.