National Civil Aviation Security Program
This National Civil Aviation Security Program has been prepared in accordance with ICAO Annex 17, which requires as a “Standard” that each Contracting State shall establish and implement a National Civil Aviation Security Program. The program objective is to provide a comprehensive reference document, policy and standards on security of aviation to be applied by airports, airlines, aerodromes, airways system operators and other organizations involved in the application of, or contributing to safe guarding civil aviation operations against acts of unlawful interference. The requirements of the program are supported by legislation, regulations and rules.
In addition, the program declares that Republic of China complies with the terms and provisions of the Tokyo, Hague and Montreal Conventions, the Protocol Supplementary to the Montreal Convention and the Convention on the Marking of Plastic Explosives for the Purpose of Detection in this program. And the terms and provisions of above conventions are given legal effect in Republic of China by Criminal Code, National security law, civil aviation law, and other related regulations. Therefore, the requirements of National Civil Aviation Security Program are supported by legislation and the program is the highest guiding principle for aviation security measures in Republic of China.
Last updated: 2021/03/30 16:39