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1 Passenger Load Factor of Scheduled International and Cross-Strait Flights by Lines in Taiwan Area_2998_091654.xls FF343FCCF9798A7CB7195198C1B8DF4A4B098C465C477C11CCC34FA721C65C35
2 Passenger Load Factor of Scheduled International and Cross-Strait Flights by Lines in Taiwan Area_2998_091654.ods F49E16F6CC9E5F1CF021E5754C5776801A8F232D5B9114AA7944F99B99347EEE
3 Passenger Load Factor of Scheduled International and Cross-Strait Flights by Lines in Taiwan Area_2998_091654.pdf EEA6F362DA79F32A8EC2D3B69C6D25FAC3E613DE5F92E6CA15B6333A3AEEE49F