

We use hash algorithms to make sure that an attachment is the one we directly provide to users and that it has not been maliciously changed by others. You may use a verification tool to see if an attachment’s hash value matches its hash verification code listed on this website (please remember to use SHA-256). Thank you.

序號 (NO) 檔案名稱 (File Name) 雜湊值驗證碼 (Hash Value)
1 101年所屬機關現有員工人數__409_180329.doc 3DEEA58DC02AB4B9F1DF81DAFE0A62A59EA55DC2BEE57104857D9309EF644736
2 101年所屬機關現有員工人數__409_180308.odt 09401A1E69265EDA781A60BB5626BF91A2D93630664037B89ABA71503FA3C895